Wednesday 2 September 2015

Plateful of Love

Why did I ever choose to put food on a plate?

Was it because it is my passion and forte?

A nostalgic recap in waves of message,

A fool does realize,

Who was there to motivate and encourage,

Food is my celebration of love,

Love is indeed incorrigible,

It takes courage, hope and sincerity to measure,

Just like ingredients with abstract volume,

An art that imparts all ingredients being intimate,

When combined; absolutely immaculate,

In  a world when emotions are intense,

One always falls short of chance,

Yet I never stopped to compare,

As I have a date with time,

With the times I have to spare,

Keeps me lingering in the bay of the timely force,

Staying seems distance and decisions could hardly transmute,

Summoning of courage to ensure,

All in deliverance for a smile,

Just from souls I truly love,

Even just as a memory to aspire,

Loving them has always been an inspire,

You all have given me the ultimate recipe,

A Recipe made of Love.






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